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Coming Soon:
The Sozo House for Women

l am so excited about my "coming soon" women's house! The vision and dream have been my heart's desire since I first met Jesus face to face in my jail cell 22 years ago. It's been a journey. I thank my God that He never gives up on us, and that He's still in the miracle working, family restoring, life transforming business!

Revamping lives through the Word of God and rooting out life controlling problems such as drug addiction, this is a one-year residential mentorship school of faith for women 18 years of age or older who are surrendered and committed to getting help through Jesus Christ.


The program is a spiritual ministry concerned with the whole person--body, soul, and spirit. The program endeavors to help the student establish integrity with God, other people, society, and herself.


Sozo is a Greek word meaning 'wholeness; wholeness in spirit, wholeness in soul (mind, will, and emotions) wholeness in body. It is complete healing for body, soul, and spirit. Thus, The Sozo House for Women.

Romans 12:2 "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."

The program is neither a homeless shelter, an escape from prison, drug dealers, debts you owe, or a hiding place from your problems. The program offers a safe place to heal with daily structure and routine. There will be a well-rounded schedule that includes daily Bible studies, classes, prayer, praise and worship, and daily responsibilities like cooking, yard work, and chores.


We will attend church at Christway Church of God on Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings, and other special church event times.

My women will be busy. Busy getting a life worth having. Busy getting intimate with Jesus. Busy laying axe to that old root and getting rooted in the Word of God! Busy learning their true identity: Victorious. Loved. Chosen. Appointed. Accepted. Purposeful. Busy fulfilling their destiny!


They will learn how to face life and start winning by dealing with problems in a godly manner. They will learn how to live by faith in God.

We are currently in the final stage of renovating the house! Stay tuned for more detailed updates!

Love you all!

Lynn Gaston

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